The work and effect of Righteousness

Scripture: Isaiah 53:10-11, 54:14-17, 2Corinthians 5:21

Most of the times, the problems we have is not our circumstances but our identity
Identity affects everything about you, If you lose sense of who you are, you pay dearly for it
The core of who you are as a is based on what Jesus has done
You are the righteousness of god in Christ… this is your identity
If you lose sense of this, it will show in your character as well as in your struggles,
The strengthening of your identity is a restoration of your life
Isaiah 54 proceeds from Isaiah 53
The background of what God did to Jesus is what He wants to make you.
Your identity is based on the Work of Christ

What is the work and effect of righteousness (as your identity)?

Isaiah 54:14
-Righteousness establishes you
It makes you far from oppression and terror
-Divine protection

Isaiah 32:18
You have quietness and assurance

Psalm 112:6-10

  • You are in everlasting remembrance, you shall not be moved forever
    Your generation is blessed, wealth and riches are in your house, you show favour and you are a giver, you shall not be afraid…..

Psalm 5:12

  • You are clothed with favour

James 5:16

  • Your prayers avail much

Psalms 37:23
-You have the leadership of the Holy Ghost

You need to know the effect of righteousness but you need to enthrone the identity of righteousness. Let it grow in you, Let it take you over, Let it have dominion over your heart.
This righteousness is not of works, it is the righteousness that proceeds from Him and what He has done

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