Responding to the sown word

Scripture: Mark 4:14-20

Who is the sower of the Word?
The sower of the Word is the one who makes a living out of sowing the Word, (Just like a driver makes a living out of driving’)
It is the one who has accepted the Word as the means of his life and his living.
It is one who takes the Word as his way of life.
The sower never allows anything else encroach into his sowing of the Word.
One who is casual with the Word cannot be a sower of the Word
If you forget that you are a sower of the Word, you have lost your identity.

The sole aim of the devil is to take away the sown Word
His attacks are not against the the Word but against the sown Word
So the sower has to make sure the Word that is sown remains in him
The Sown Word only produces in the ground it remains

How to respond to the sown Word
We respond to the sown Word by:

  1. The spirit of faith
  2. Praying
  3. Acting as if the Word is true
    We would focus on the spirit of faith

The spirit of faith is believing with your heart and speaking with your mouth

How does it speak? Rom4:17
It calls those things that be not as though they were

What is the basis of this? Matt6:9
The earth is supposed to be a prototype of the heaven but because of the fall of man it is not.
We respond to the damaged and malfunctioning earth by calling those things that be not as though they were. Because they were.

How are things in heaven? Psa119:89
The atmosphere of heaven is permeated, controlled and dominated by God’s Word

If you are too quiet, you get back into managing situations, you slip back into unbelief and fall back into depression. Situations want to shut you up, you can only be quiet not to talk unbelief if you have spoken faith.
Dominion over the natural world is by speaking faith over and over and over again

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