Heightened Spiritual Moments

It is our Faith that receives
Patience manifest what we have received
And Fullness of the Spirit hold on to what we have received
At the time you received from the Lord, the devil gets agitated and is watchful to steal what you have received… such times are heightened spiritual moments.
These are times you need to guard and protect that which you have received so that it is not taken away from you. These are the times you need to be active, awake and alive

What to do in such moments:

  1. Order your conversation aright. (Psalm50:23)
    Our conversation is our words, thoughts and actions
    The devil steals by causing us not to order our conversations aright
    -Psalm37:37, James3:1-3
    Mark means to identify, Behold means look at to see
    The perfect man is the same man as the upright
    The perfect man is the man who does not offend in word
    The man that does not offend in Word is the man that speaks only the Word of God
    The man that speaks in line with what God has said and refuses to speak contrary
    The perfect man is the man that does not differ from what God is saying
    Thoughts come from the spirit, and have two sources, God or the devil
    When thoughts from the devil come, you respond to it with the Word and the Word will give you a new thought. At heightened spiritual moments, you catch and replace wrong thoughts with the Word
  2. Give no place to the devil (Eph4:26-29)
    When you sin, you give place to the devil
    At heightened spiritual moments, the devil pushes sin to you
    He gets people to cross your path and get you offended
    He gets you involved with bad companions….
    (Getter pressure for sex, lust, anger)
    When you give him a place, he comes in, and when he comes in, he steals from you
  3. Yield to the Holy Spirit on purpose
    Yield constantly to the Holy Ghost By acknowledging Him with your words…(Saying… I yield to the Spirit of the living God)
    There are so many things that are for your good that if you don’t yield to the Holy Spirit you would never get them.
    Maintaining fullness of the Spirit is also an act of yielding to the Holy Ghost

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