Receiving from the Lord

Scripture: James 1:1-7

You can receive anything from the Lord
The things you receive are the things you ask of Him
What receives is your faith (James1:6-7 – the man that does not ask in faith, the man that wavers should not think he shall receive anything from the Lord)
The faith that receives is the faith that comes by the Word
The Word is the substance of the faith that receives
The devil comes to take away the sown Word so that our faith would not have substance
When we maintain our faith in the Word, the devil comes against our faith with divers temptations (Mark4:17)
Divers temptations are designed to weaken or paralyse our faith
Our relationship is not with divers temptations
Our relationship is with the Word and the faith that has come by the Word

The hold on what you have received is not your feelings or your senses
The hold on what you have received is the Substance of your receiving which is the Word of God (what God has said concerning what you have received)
What you have received may not be seen but is none the less real, Just because you’ve not seen it doesn’t mean you’ve not received it. (Hebrew11:1-3)
When your feelings and senses begin to doubt what you have received, you have to reply them with the Word
In replying them, you are holding on to the Word of your faith and you are warding off divers temptations. In essence you are protecting the Word

The consistency in protecting the Word is called patience
When temptations are coming, you should know this… that you have to be consistently constant on God’s Word

Faith receives but patience manifests what has been received
Patience is being consistently constant on the Word

Faith receives, patience manifests, fullness of the Holy Ghost then holds what you have received
Fullness of the Holy Ghost does not allow you recline to the senses
It causes you to reign over your senses

The one who receives from God thinks this way
It is he that asks in faith and allows patience have her perfect work

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